social media marketing usage

Social media marketing usage is Liked more by businesses

Effective use of social media is no longer an option for companies – it is a requirement,” Christine Moorman, a professor of business administration at Fuqua, said in a release.

Hey, I’m pretty sure I’ve used that quote about 200 times on this site!

Just as having a website for your business is a requirement, utilizing social media marketing to promote your product and service is now as automatic as printing out business cards.

The report, conducted by the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, revealed that more than 10 percent of enterprise marketing budgets will be devoted to social media marketing on platforms that include Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. As it stands now, companies spend 7.1 percent of total outreach efforts on the strategy, hoping to capitalize on the growing popularity of the sites.$776.htm

Social Media Marketing Usage | How to Get Started

Now that you understand that social media marketing usage is a requirement, how do you go about educating yourself on how to create and implement a social media marketing plan?

Most small business owners understand that it is imperative to have a social media presence in today’s economy, but they don’t know where or how to begin. Do they hire an employee? If so, how do they manage the employee? After all, how can you manage someone if you have no idea what they should be doing? Also, what if the person quits? And what about all the costs, health care, benefits, etc… Is hiring someone to perform social media marketing worth the money or the trouble?

You can outsource to another company, but most social media companies charge astronomical amounts for simple, inexpensive tasks. Plus, you need to understand the basics of how to put together a plan, otherwise you will have no idea what you are paying for and may be disappointed in what you receive.

The best way to go about creating and implementing a social media marketing plan is to do it yourself. But where do you learn about social media and who has the time to add another role to their already full plate?

Social Media Marketing Usage | The Solution

Social Media in 7 Minutes is your Do-It-Yourself Social Media Marketing Solution!

Social Media in 7 Minutes is an online training using both videos and text summaries to show small business how they can perform social media marketing themselves in just 7 short minutes a day. The how-to videos are designed to show the user exactly step by step how to perform each given task.

The online videos are broken into 30+ different videos, ranging from beginners to advanced levels of the following social media topics:
* Facebook
* YouTube
* Twitter
* Foursquare
* LInkedIn
* Local Online Directories

Each video ranges in time frames from as short as 5 minutes to as long as 20 minutes. Ideally, the student can watch one video a day, perform their homework, and have a fully functioning social media marketing plan implemented within a month. From there, Social Media in 7 Minutes has an actual Do It Yourself ‘7 Minute Dashboard’ that will allow the user to schedule all of their posts, reply to all social media engagements, post birthday wishes, send text messages, email blasts, and more from one simple dashboard.\

Social Media Marketing Usage | What Makes Social Media in 7 Minutes Unique?

The problem with books or ebook training is that they are out of date 5 minutes after print due to all the changes that occur with social media sites. The most unique feature of Social Media in 7 Minutes is that it is primarily a video training series that will be continuously updated throughout its existence. Social Media in 7 Minutes will update their videos as changes in features relevant to small businesses occur. What this means is that you will always have the most recent information on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, and Foursquare. What makes this program very exciting is that as new social media sites develop, such as Google+, new modules will be added to this product.

The second aspect of Social Media in 7 Minutes that is so unique is the do it yourself ;7 Minute Dashboard;. This tool allows the user to communicate with all it’s Twitter Fans, Facebook Groups, LinkedIn Groups, etc… from one location. You can schedule out posts on each social media site for the next couple of months. You will also be able to schedule customer birthday wishes to your Facebook Fans, create and schedule newsletters, send text message reminders, and update your blog posts by using this one simple tool. The ease and convenience of the 7 Minute Dashboard will allow the small business user to implement their social media marketing plan in just 7 minutes per day.

No other social media product combines the ever evolving social media video training with a do it your self tool. Plus, each month, you will also be able to attend their special update webinars, which will detail some of the biggest changes in social media for a given month and have access to their informative forums designed to answer questions that new users will have regarding social media.

Image: watcharakun /