Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization and SEO Together



What good is Batman without Robin?  Bonnie without Clyde?  Or Scooby without Shaggy?  The online dynamic duo for establishing an online presence is Social Media Optimization and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).   Like chocolate and peanut butter, they’re two great strategies that work great together.

Social Media Optimization and SEO | What is SEO?

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a is a set of methodologies aimed at improving the visibility of a website in search engine results through manipulations in a website’s code, structure, and content.  Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing use complex ranking algorithms that analyze websites and ultimately give a website a ranking for specific search terms.  Search engine algorithms have become very intricate and these days it seems that relevant content is the number one way to get your site to the top.  Writing content that includes highly searched keyword phrases, that are relevant to the topic of the site, will tend to increase a site’s traffic better than old methods such as hidden text within a site.  Updating content often and adding new content to a site frequently will improve search engine rankings tremendously.

Social Media Optimization and SEO | What is Social Media Optimization?

Social Media Optimization is the method of social media activity in order to attract target marketed visitors to your website content.  The concept behind social media optimization is simple: implement changes to optimize a site so that it is more easily linked to, more visible in social media searches on custom search engines, and  frequently included in relevant posts on blogs and videos.

Social Media Optimization and SEO | Why Combine?

With the increased popularity of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, establishing a presence is paramount in any increased website traffic strategy.  SEO allows you to put out quality content, which helps give potential customers the tools to research products and services prior to making a decision.  Social Media Optimization of your site allows you to provide social proof that real people are using and enjoying your product.  Word-of-mouth approval from a friend or colleague plays a significant role in the purchasing process.  Many of these conversations are taking place via social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Social Media Optimization and SEO | Conclusion

In summary, implementing SEO makes perfect sense so potential customers can find information about you, your company, and the products and services you offer.  In addition, having a social media optimization plan makes great sense as well.  People will make buying decisions based on what their friends and families are doing, and a combination of a solid Social Media Optimization and SEO plan will allow companies selling products online to thrive.

Image: jscreationzs /