Twitter TipsThe incessant tweeting and extensive accessibility of third-party tools has simplified a lot of things for people who prefer their social status to be wide-awake and on the qui vive. Have you ever come to a standstill and rifled through the ways that could serve you with an intuitive, rich social networking experience? If not, don’t stay in doldrums as there’s still a lot to discover about.

Here is a list of some of the most important yet effortless tips and tricks that won’t only transform your interaction into pure pun, but will also make your Twitter experience more enjoyable. Take a look.

1: Customize your Profile

If you want to swell your ‘followers’ bag and leverage your overall interaction with the addictive blue bird, then ensure to engage in a lot of customization. Change your profile picture and personalize it more for an intriguing appearance. Try to create your own background image which falls somewhere less than 800k. However, make sure that your background image does not really look like a sales pitch or an advertisement. At the same time, try to utilize as much of the Twitter 160-character limit as possible. You can even include keywords that your followers may be looking out for.

2: Third-party Tools

Twitter features a diversified platform for third-party applications and tools – that can indeed transmogrify one’s entire social networking experience through the possibilities hidden aside. So if you want an immersive Twitter experience, make sure that you have been benefiting from the hundreds of different third-party online services and tools. This will indeed enable you to leverage your interaction on Twitter.

3: Using Twitter Search

Another amazing tip that could totally uplift your social journey is to take utmost advantage of Twitter Search. For those of you who still haven’t learned the ropes, the tool basically aims at improving your search capabilities on Twitter. You can seamlessly search for your blog or website URL and figure out if others have specified your page. You can even benefit from the Advanced Twitter Search and if you get great results, simply click the ‘Save this Search’ which can be found later for easy usage.

4: Followers

Those who tweet would really know the significance of having a massive, strong followers’ base. Thus, ensure that you are engaging your followers and retweeting interesting posts as much as possible. However, avoid from following too many. But at the same time, try to retweet and participate in conversations with your followers.

5: Create Useful, Interesting Tweets

Last but equally important, you should focus on making your tweets thoroughly useful and informative. You can tweet on a pretty frequent basis and add hastags to your tweets. Always remember, people do not like following someone who has not tweeted in months. Thus, be regular on Twitter and create useful and really interesting tweets – for which, you can also plank down some special characters in your tweets.

Although following the masters of social networking platforms and Twitter, creating and using lists, and accessing Twitter straight from the mobile device are some other eye-catchy tips as well, but you can always bank on the above mentioned ones for the optimum results. After all, the primary objective is to indulge in an unprecedented, complete social networking experience.

About the author: Claudia is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on luxury and technology. She recently read an article on born rich that attracted her attention. These days she is busy in her research work for ecofriend.