The use of Canonical link elements

Adding rel=”canonical” to your website can make the difference between you appearing on page 1 of google or not appearing until page 12. It sounds too simple doesn’t it? But it’s a little known fact that a lot of blogs, websites and ecommerce sites are...
The Value of a Facebook Fan

The Value of a Facebook Fan

    Every marketer knows that Facebook is a must for their advertising campaigns, and the Facebook Fan is one of the easiest ways to attract new consumers to your page with the click of a mouse, but how effective is it? What’s the ROI of a Facebook...
Retail Shopping on Facebook?

Retail Shopping on Facebook?

    First, retailers used catalogs, then the Internet, and now, is the wave of the future for retail shopping on Facebook?  Express recently became the first to offer retail shopping on Facebook.  You can now go to their Facebook page and purchase anything...

Social Media Marketing and Retail

  Does social media marketing help businesses attract and retain customers?  According to a recent survey from Deloitte, it has a major affect on almost half of people shopping. Social Media Marketing and Retail | Deloitte survey Four out of 10 US consumers are...