Even when you have excellent content and a well-thought out design for your blog, it means absolutely nothing without a steady flow of traffic.  I have learned that in my quest to compete against what are now hundreds of millions of other blogs on the internet, you have to always keep a leg up on the competition and make sure that you are utilising strategies and methods that will give you an advantage in the end.  By combining several of the following strategies and tips with excellent content, you can ensure your blog’s vitality and help increase the number of visitors you have on a daily basis.

Add Subscription Options

Many content management systems come complete with the option to activate subscription methods that allow visitors to stay in touch with you and receive notifications about new blog posts.  If you do not have a subscription service built into your website, then you can install one such as Feed Burner, which will give you the ability to let others “follow” you.  By notifying readers each time a new post is published, you can significantly increase the level of repeat traffic to the site.

Guest Blogging Opportunities

If you have built up a decent blog, you may want to try having guest bloggers contribute to it.  I have used this tactic time and time again and it works like a charm: by allowing newer writers to hone their skills, you gain valuable access to an increased amount of content, which does wonders for indexing your site and for bringing in more visitors who are curious about the blog post in question.  In many cases, you can find guest bloggers for free; many times, they simply ask that their name and contact information be published within the article for exposure (and backlinks).

Social Networking Outreach

If you’re like me, you want as many people as possible to connect to your blog.  One of the ways I increase my traffic is through social networking platforms like Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.  Most likely, you have friends that are interested in the same things you are blogging about, and by sharing your blog, you will be able to reach out to those people and gain their traffic.  Best of all, even if just one person shares your blog with others, in many instances that is as much exposure as you initially gave to it by posting.  If successful, the trend continues and gains you loads of new visitors.

Respond to Commenters

Most successful blogs will end up with individuals commenting on various posts and blogs made by you.  It is your duty to make sure that you keep the conversation going and that in turn keeps those people returning to your site.  Remember that there is no such thing as a bad visitor, and even if you get into an argument with another individual, the exposure of your site to them again and again only benefits the success of your blog.

Jazzed Up Graphics

Search engine optimisation protocols like to see images in blog posts, as it shows there has been a level of dedication to that post in particular.  Having images in your blog makes it more likely for your blog to be discovered, believe it or not.  It also increases the quality of your site and gives it a richer feel when it comes to content.  By offering detail graphics and text, you will appease your visitors and the search engines at the same time.

Advertising and Copywriting

Finally, if you need help reaching others, you may want to consider hiring a copywriting firm that specialises in search engine optimisation and website advertising.  Many of these firms can get custom-tailored articles and posts about your blog out to major sites, giving your site a better overall search ranking and more backlinks, which in turn brings in more traffic.

If you need some help with SEO or copywriting, contact Apple Copywriting today and ensure that your blog is a step ahead of its competitors.