What’s the point of having a Facebook Page if you don’t connect with any of your friends?  Using the variety of Facebook People Search tools available to you by Facebook will allow you to find many of your friends and enhance your overall Facebook experience.  Here are the top four Facebook people search tips for finding your friends:

Facebook People Search Tips | Facebook Friends Page

Facebook People Search

Facebook Find Friends

The first Facebook people search tip is for you to go to the find your friends on Facebook page.  The picture on the right will show you what the page should look like.  You will be provided with several Facebook people search opportunities here: find people you know by email, find people you know by last name, find people on your IM (instant messenger) list, or browse Facebook pages by name.  This page is the best way to begin your Facebook people search quest.

Facebook People Search Tips | Facebook Suggestions

Facebook people search

People You May Know

If you continue scrolling down on the same page listed above, you will find a section called ‘People You May Know‘.  A picture of the ‘people you may know’ section is on the left.  This section is designed to recommend certain people to you based on the fact that they have common friends with some of your other friends.  You’ll not only see potential friends and fan pages here, but if you scroll down a little, you’ll also see an opportunity to search within your groups: college, high school, workplace, etc.  By default, when you search for a topic on Facebook, the results you see will be from your list of contact. If you would like to expand that circle to include results from anyone who has chosen to make their Facebook information publicly accessible, simply click on “Posts By Everyone“. This selection gives you the Facebook people search ability to view information from people who are not included in your contact list.

Facebook People Search Tips | Search Facebook Profiles w/ Filters

Facebook people search

Facebook Filters

Once you start typing something into the Facebook search bar, a feature called Facebook Typeahead kicks in, which returns the most relevant results from your immediate contacts.  By default, when you search for someone on Facebook, you’ll get all the result on one page: people, pages, groups, events, networks, etc. An example of what the page looks like (with the drop down box on the top that will allow you to filter) is on the right.  You can filter these easily by using the search filters on the top of the search results page. Simply click the drop down box and select one of those filters, your search results will rearrange themselves into only results that coincide with that particular subject, making it easier for you to track down who you’re looking for.

Facebook People Search Tips | Your Friends’ Friends

The strategy of obtaining your friend’s friend is the simplest way to grow your network.  When you visit your friend Adam’s site, simply click on a list of Adam’s friends.  Then add these friends to your profiles.  I recommend using this Facebook people search strategy for not just Facebook, but any other social media site, like Google+.  If you are seeking to grow your professional network, then visit a person of influence and affluence within your industry, ‘friend this individual’, and make connections with the first 10 friends on his list.  You will grow your Facebook fan base in no time.

In conclusion, each of these 4 Facebook people search tips are quick, simple, and straightforward ways to grow your friend base on Facebook.  If you dedicate a short 15 minutes a day to this process and add about 50 people per day, you should find yourself overwhelmed with friends in no time.