Why You Will Hate the New Facebook Timeline

3 Reasons Why You Will Hate the New Facebook Timeline

You’re probably just getting used to the recent changes Facebook made to the newsfeed, but don’t get too comfortable yet. Facebook has sprung another radical change on you with Facebook Timeline. You may have seen some of your friends’ profiles being converted to Timeline, and they’re very different. You can opt to have your Timeline now, or you’ll be forced to have it in the near future. Yes, forced. Facebook loves to alter itself, but this might not be just another minor revision you’ll grow used to. Facebook Timeline will change your entire Facebook experience, and you might not be happy about it. Here’s 3 reasons why you will hate the new Facebook Timeline.

Why You Will Hate the New Facebook Timeline |Your Past Comes Back to Haunt You

The new Facebook Timeline is essentially a Facebook stalker’s dream come true. In the past, people had to click and scroll endlessly to view everything posted on your wall, from your status updates to comments to posts. For active Facebook users, anything posted more than a few months ago was buried far away, unlikely to return again. With Facebook Timeline, all of your Facebook activity ever, from the first day you opened your account, is easily retrievable. Now, things you posted years ago can be quickly accessed by anyone. This is a nightmare. Consider how much you’ve changed over the years. Do you really want the things you said back in 2005 prominently displayed on your profile? Timeline will make you hyper aware of the longevity of anything you post online. You’ve probably forgotten about most of the things you did in the past, but Facebook hasn’t.

If you want to protect yourself from your previous mistakes and embarrassing updates, you’ll have to manually go through your entire profile and click “Hide from Timeline” on any post you’d like to keep buried in the past. This is time consuming and tedious, but you have to do it. There is no other way to suppress information. If you don’t do it, you risk friends, acquaintances, and even potential employers, getting a good laugh at your former Facebook self.

Why You Will Hate the New Facebook Timeline |Maps

One feature that’s been added is the prominent display of your Facebook “Maps.” This feature is literally a map that will show anyone who cares exactly where you were and when, or even where you are now. This is a very invasive feature, but it’s essentially your fault if you enabled your profile to allow geolocation in the past. You’ll have to turn it off and manually adjust it if you don’t want your location information so easily accessible.

Why You Will Hate the New Facebook Timeline |You Have No Choice

You’ll also despise Facebook Timeline because you have no choice. You can’t keep your old profile, and the layout is fixed. You have no real ability to tweak things. Also, the posts that are most prominently displayed are the posts that Facebook deems most important. You can hide them, but you can’t choose to replace them with anything you think is more relevant, either. It’s Facebook’s version of you, and if you don’t like it, tough. While you never had much control over your Facebook profile besides the information you shared, this is the most drastic change to profiles yet. And unfortunately, even though you’re going to hate it, you’re probably going to tolerate it anyway.

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