It’s frustrating when you work so hard to gain followers on Facebook, only to learn that only a fraction of them will actually see the posts you are putting out there. The algorithm responsible for this seemingly random behavior is called Edge Rank. And quite naturally, the higher the Edge rank, the more of your fans that will see your posts.

Perhaps you have noticed that you tend to see more posts from people that you interact with on a regular basis than those you don’t. It’s not because the others are not posting, it’s because Edge Rank has weeded them out for you. Oh sure, you can always go to their profile page and see what they’re up to, if you want to, but how likely is that to happen? Nor are your customers likely to go to your profile page and check what you’re up to, if they don’t have a reminder, in the form of a status update, to do so.

How Is My Edge Rank Determined?

The formula that makes up Edge Rank includes a score that is created between the user and the company. It is generated by users “liking” a status of yours or leaving comments after the status update. Then, a weight is given to each interaction with your fans. For example, a like wouldn’t be as strong as a comment or a share. Lastly, time is of the essence. The older your likes or comments are, the less important they are, in the eyes of Edge Rank.

How Do I Improve My Edge Rank?

So, for your social media marketing campaign to be successful, your Edge Rank has to improve. But the question becomes, how do you do that? One of the keys to improving your Edge Rank and getting your message out to more of your fans is to post timely and relevant posts. It doesn’t matter if you talk about the weather, the news or the election, just get them talking. Ask questions of your audience and watch them jump to respond. Facebookers love to answer questions about themselves and to give their opinions. Ask the public where they enjoy using your product, how the drought is affecting them or if the kids are excited about going back to school.

Ask and You Shall Receive

Ask for a like or comment and your fans will surely oblige. Post a status message that says, “Like this comment if you can’t wait for Football season to start” or “leave a comment and tell us how you’re staying cool in this 90+ degree weather.” Facebook marketing is not just about your product, but about relating with your customers. By sharing common ground with them, you make yourself more accessible, more likable and improve your rankings all in one.

The effects of Edge Rank can be catastrophic to your social media efforts, if you are not aware of the game and how it’s played. Interacting with your public in a friendly, fun way is the key to increasing your rank and keeping your message before the fans who like you. Post pictures and invite comments to keep the comments, likes and shares coming in. Staying on top of issues like Edge Rank is how your company can improve its social media standing, making your marketing efforts a success.