Google+ Brand Pages

Will Google+ Brand Pages Beat Facebook Fan Pages?


There has been a lot of questions about will Google+ brand pages be better than Facebook and I recently stumbled upon an article on Mashable in which the writer predicts that Google+ brand pages will, in fact, be better than Facebook.  I found his article interesting enough to post here, so lets go ahead and break down his opinion here:

Will Google+ Brand Pages Be Better Than Facebook | Search Opportunities

“A major challenge with driving paid search ads to a Facebook page is that the domain generates a lower click-through rate (CTR), most likely due to people finding the domain irrelevant to their query. The low CTR makes for a low quality score in Google’s auction-model, which typically increases cost per click for paid search ads driving to Facebook versus a unique brand domain. The loss in cost efficiency of driving to a Facebook page has been an ongoing struggle for advertisers, particularly on Google, which has over 60% of the search market.

It would be crazy for search giant Google not to have search benefits for Google+ brand pages, whether it is a “certified check mark” callout (like on Twitter), a colored box around the listing, or possibly page-rank priority. Search benefits would likely be the strongest reason for brands to adopt a Google+ brand page. The only flaw in this theory is that giving brand pages’ extra benefits in search could raise the specter of anti-trust action and legal challenges.”

So Google+ brand pages will be better than Facebook because Google will have an advantage in advertiser’s search ratings.

Will Google+ Brand Pages Be Better Than Facebook | Customization

“Facebook ad types are limited to just ads, sometimes with a video or poll, allowing for few branding or creative opportunities. Looking at the design of Google+ personal pages, I predict the two skyscraper-sized white spaces on each side of the profile will be opportunities for custom skinning of your brand page and for display or rich media ads.

Google+ users are probably cursing me for suggesting the placement of ads on the currently clean design of Google+, but I am speaking specifically about allowing brands to advertise and skin their own pages as seen on branded YouTube channels such as Old Spice and Miracle Whip. These are great examples of how Google+ brand pages can deliver stronger brand experiences and help brands raise awareness of special promotions, as well as letting them drive qualified traffic to pages outside of Google+.

I would not be surprised if advertising opportunities were immediately available after the launch of Google+ brand pages, since Google is fully prepared to support it with its Google Display Network, AdWords and DoubleClick advertising products.”

Google already has the resources to drive ROI up with its tools and features, yet another reason why Google+ brand pages will be better than Facebook.

Will Google+ Brand Pages Be Better Than Facebook | Bottom Line

One major reason that Google+ brand pages will be better than Facebook is that Google+ has the advantage of coming in a little later in the game.  Although they definitely will have challenges attracting as many members as Facebook, they can easily learn from Facebook’s mistakes.  Google+ brand pages will be better than Facebook according to many, but that doesn’t mean pull all of your resources out of Facebook, but everyone needs to realize the potential that Google+ will have in the near future.  Lay out a solid plan and start your research now.