2 Reports show Friday is busiest day for social media users

Friday is busiest day for social media

Friday is busiest day for social media

I guess this means that people aren’t as focused at work on Fridays as they should be?  Two separate studies published this week show that Friday is busiest day for social media, and the best time to get traction on status updates and tweets.

According to an article on Mashable.com:

Analyzing more than 200 of its clients’ Facebook pages over a 14-day period, Buddy Media found that engagement on Thursdays and Fridays was 18% higher than the rest of the week, and that engagement was actually even better on Thursday than on Friday. Meanwhile, Twitter Chief Revenue Officer Adam Bain — speaking at the Ad Age Digital conference earlier this week — said that Twitter users are more engaged with tweets on Fridays.

Friday is Busiest Day for Social Media | Good for business?

Well, it’s probably not good for business owners whose employees are goofing around on Twitter and Facebook or watching videos on YouTube rather than working.  Whatever the case, the fact that Friday is the busiest day for social media isn’t yet commonly known among marketers. As also reported by Black Box Social Media earlier this week, most brands are similarly unaware that their status updates will get more pickup if they’re posted after work hours.

However, is Friday really the best day or time for marketers to post?  Depending on your industry or product, many of your potential readers may have mentally checked out for the weekend and your message may fall upon blind eyes.

I’m curious to hear what experiences or successes you’ve had with social media on specific days.  Do you agree that Friday is busiest day for social media or does another day show better results for you?

Image: renjith krishnan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Article: Friday is Busiest Day for Social Media