How To Build Influence on Google+

How To Build Influence on Google+

  We all know that influence on Facebook is largely measured by how many friends you have and with Twitter its how many people follow you, but how can you measure influence on Google+ and more importantly, how do we build influence on Google+?  Many of you may...
The Value of a Facebook Fan

The Value of a Facebook Fan

    Every marketer knows that Facebook is a must for their advertising campaigns, and the Facebook Fan is one of the easiest ways to attract new consumers to your page with the click of a mouse, but how effective is it? What’s the ROI of a Facebook...
Recovering from the Google Panda Update

Recovering from the Google Panda Update

    Since February, many companies that have seen their site traffic cut by 20-80% have been recovering from the Google Panda Update by trying many different things.  Some companies are still struggling while a few seem to have figured out what to do. What...

New Google Content Algorithm

In an effort to lower the rankings of blog factories or content farms, Google has created a new Google content algorithm.  In the past, you could regurgitate other people’s information or produce low quality content written solely for the purpose of catching...

Is Nouveau Riche Closing Down?

The writing has been on the wall for quite some time.  Nouveau Riche, formerly known as Nouveau Riche University or NRU, made the announcement last night that as of December 31, 2010 the real estate investment college will stop being sold.  Any consumer orders will be...